
Looking for power

The latest tests showed that we don’t get the expected power from the powerline necessary for takeoff. The airspeed still remains below the takeoff-speed. For trying to lift the baby off with these specifications we would need optimal weather conditions.

So right now we are concentrating on getting more power and further reducing the water-resistance. So currently we are checking several options. The lakes will soon be frozen in Finland but this naturally will not prevent us from going ahead. We will be able to optimize the settings for the powerline and continue testing in warmer climate then.

We will keep the delay as short as possible. Stay tuned!


Nanos first attempts to takeoff

At our previous high speed planing tests our maximum airspeed has been around 65km/h. During tests when Nano was heading up we noticed that Nanos tail tip touched the water surface taking speed down and preventing getting the right angle for the wings. Anyway we were pleased to see that Nano stays very steady even when it's coming down nose first.

The modification has been done by now and we are ready for the next test in the upcoming days. And again, big thanks for all you enthusiasts participating and supporting us!


Fly Nano Oy won the LahtiSBP's business idea competition 2011

“The winning idea of the general competition in 2011 is very international, innovative and brave in nature. In addition it can be said that the idea in question is not just a thought, it’s actually being concretized as real and tangible international business,” says Jalo Paananen, the Chairman of the Jury.

In total 56 business ideas were sent to the competition. More than 1/3 of the participants were cleantech-related.

Lahti Science and Business Park Ltd's business idea competition


Planing test - Chasing air

FlyNano proto is planing on the edge again! Weather was not optimal and Nano's airspeed was still slightly too slow (~60km/h). Our next test will be as soon as we have nice calm weather. This Finnish autumn weather is sometimes surprising. Luckily it has stayed warm so we don't expect ice cover on our testsite yet :) Thanks for all the comments from You !